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The Original Franciscan Inspiration

Lived Today


Saint Francis's Little Assisi is a four block area in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA, which houses the Confraternity of Penitents (married and single lay men and women worldwide), the CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop, and two Vita Dei Houses.  Come and visit or join us or send in your prayer requests. God bless you!



Assisi was the city in Umbria where Saint Francis was born, grew up, lived, and died. His heart was always in Assisi even though his body traveled to Spain, France, and Syria. The spirit of Saint Francis can still be felt in Assisi. 



We here in Fort Wayne, Indiana, are blessed to have the spirit of Saint Francis alive and well here in Francis' Little Assisi. No, you won't find any place on a Fort Wayne map with that name, but we are here, in a four block area bordered by New Haven Avenue, Lumbard Street, Reynolds Avenue, and Roy Street. 



In this area, you will find the Confraternity of Penitents, a men's and women's Vita Dei House, and the Confraternity of Penitents Holy Angels Gift Shop. 


Come and join us! All are welcome!

Original Franciscan Charism

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About Francis' Little Assisi


The Confraternity of Penitents are married and single men and women world wide who are living, in the own homes, the Rule of 1221 for the lay penitents. This is lived as closely as possible to its original intent. The international headquarters of the Confraternity of Penitents is located in Little Assisi although its members live throughout the United States and in some international countries. 

Two Vita Dei Houses, one for men and one for women, are operated in the simple Franciscan tradition of prayer, fellowship, and service. 


We hope that this site will encourage you to explore the joyful, simple, and freeing way of life which Saint Francis proposed. His intent was to live the Gospel. He knew it was not easy, but he was willing to take Christ at His word.


How about you? Would you like to follow Christ more closely in the humble footsteps of the poverello (little poor man) of Assisi? Pray about that and see where the Holy Spirit takes you!



This form may be used to submit a prayer request to the Confraternity of Penitents and Vita Dei Houses.

Please specify in the subject line to whom this is to be delivered. Thank you and God bless you!

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Contact Saint Francis' Little Assisi through the Confraternity of Penitents, 1702 Lumbard Street, Fort Wayne IN 46803 USA 260-739-6882

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